mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

This Teen Wrote A Heartbreaking Blog Post About Her Teacher On The AirAsia Plane

“I want to let everyone see who you really are, as a teacher, as a person, as our friend.”


"Never ever, would i have imagined that someone i knew would be on that flight," Ting wrote on her blog on Monday.

"An hour later, our class whatsapp chat was flooded with news that our form teacher, Miss Tina was on that flight."

"Miss Tina" is 26-year-old Florentina Maria Widodo, who was nicknamed Tina by her family and friends.

"It just didn't seem real that you were really on that flight, Miss Tina, it didn't," wrote Ting.

In the blog post, Ting called Tina her favorite teacher. They first met when Tina was still training, and to Ting, she seemed "quiet" and "reserved." The 26-year-old then went on to become a biology teacher at the school, and worked with Ting for many months.

"We had loads of fun in class," Ting wrote in her heartbreaking post.

"And for telling us how dashing/pretty we looked that day. I could see how proud you were of us, for making it through all the way till where we are today."

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