martedì 30 dicembre 2014

The 56 Worst Possible Times To Fart

Our expert guide to cheese-cutting.

Getty Images/iStockphoto Sarah_Cheriton

1. On a date.

2. In bed, while getting ~busy~.

3. In an elevator with your boss.

4. During a spray tan.

5. During a bikini wax.

6. While getting a dress tailored to your body.

7. During confession with a priest.

8. At the dentist.

9. In an MRI chamber.

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10. In a submarine, 260 fathoms under the sea.

11. In a space shuttle, right as you're taking off.

12. At the Grand Canyon, when you're with a companion, looking quietly over the majesty of it all, and contemplating life.

13. At that spot in Grand Central Station where you can hear people's whispers from across the hall, but instead of whispering, you fart.

14. While ghost hunting, with infrared cameras.

15. Right after your crush asks you out.

16. On your first day teaching middle school, in front of the class.

17. On stage, during your big solo.

18. At an altar when you're supposed to say I do, but the fart drowns it out and your fiance leaves you.

19. On a horse or pony (rude).

20. At a quiet cafe right after you tell the waiter, sternly, that you don't want any onions in your salad.

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