One hundred and fifty-six episodes, countless twists. Here’s how they stack up, from worst to best.
Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed
"The Jungle" (Season 3, Episode 12)
Writer(s): Charles Beaumont
Director: William F. Claxton
If we could set aside the episode's blatant discomfort with African people and cultures — it follows a couple who have returned from a work trip to Africa (just "Africa") with bewitched talismans — we'd have a truly spooky story of a man trying to outrun some demons. But we probably shouldn't set all of that aside!
CBS / Via
"The Chaser" (Season 1, Episode 31)
Writer(s): Robert Presnell Jr., based on the short story by John Collier
Director: Douglas Heyes
Roger Shackleforth cannot deal with the fact that the woman of his affection isn't interested, so he gives her a love potion, becomes fed up with her devotion, and then buys poison to kill her. It could've MAAAAAYBE worked as a criticism of all the abusive would-be Romeos out there, except Roger ends up not using the poison because he finds out Leila is pregnant? And his punishment is that they stay together? So? No thanks?
CBS / Via
"From Agnes — With Love" (Season 5, Episode 20)
Writer(s): Bernard C. Schoenfeld
Director: Richard Donner
This episode — about a computer named Agnes that falls in love with her technician (a real Nice Guy, if I've ever seen one) and then sabotages his relationship — manages to be both technophobic and misogynistic. It evens closes on a comparison between women and "dangerous," "jealous" machines! You're better than this, Twilight Zone.
CBS / Via
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