The movie theater is unfortunately the place where we encounter the most obnoxious humans to ever exist.
Mr. 20-Questions
"When is the movie going to start?" "Why did he just go into that building?" "Who was he?" "Was that a hint that there's going to be a sequel?" We get it, you're confused, but if you just stopped talking then you'd realize your questions could be answered by simply watching the movie.
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The Crying Baby
It's pretty hard to hear dialogue over the sounds of a cranky child. It's understandable that the child is obviously not in control of the situation but it makes us wonder why was there a child in an R-rated movie to begin with.
The Person Who Has Never Seen a 3D Movie
"Oh my god, look, it’s totally coming right at me!!!” "Did you see that, the car looked like it was about to hit us!" We understand, it's cool when things come at us in 3D, but you don't have to voice it every time it happens.
Disney / Via
Loud Eaters
There's nothing worse than when a suspenseful scene is ruined because the person next to you doesn't know how to chew quietly. It’s not just the chewing, either. The rustles of bags, crunching of nacho chips, the slurps of oversized drinks — the sounds are never-ending.
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