martedì 31 marzo 2015

16 Delicious Treats That Prove Australia Does Easter Better Than Anyone

Eat now or forever hold your peace.

A hot cross loaf from Bourke Street Bakery, Sydney.

You could share with this friends, family and other loved ones. Or, you know, you could just keep this GIANT HOT CROSS BUN all to yourself.

These chocolate freckle macarons from T by LuxBite, Melbourne.

The most Instagram-able dessert the world has ever seen.

A slice of Easter egg brownie from Flour & Chocolate, Brisbane.

Like a regular brownie, only one trillion times better.

A cheesecake egg from The Grounds Of Alexandria, Sydney.

Definitive proof that The Grounds just gets better and better and better.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

How The Screenshort Could Save Us From Horrible Headlines

So far screenshorts — screenshots of text shared on social media — have had an excellent 2015. They’re bleeding from their origins on Twitter and Instagram out into Facebook and across the web as the most effective way to share blurbs of text. Media companies have noticed and have begun professionalizing the screenshort. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Medium, and BuzzFeed have all built formal internal screenshort tools. Twitter veterans Jason Goldman and Ian Ownbey rolled out OneShot, a stand-alone screenshort app that allows anyone to elegantly share passages of their liking. Instapaper built screenshorting in as a function of its newest app. They’re everywhere.

There are a few reasons for this: It’s an intimate, user-instigated behavior that still feels organic, and it’s an extremely efficient way to share digestible chunks of text that get around Twitter's character limits and Facebook’s truncation. But perhaps more important, taken together, these elements begin to provide an even greater service in the fractured and frenetic new-media ecosystem: Screenshorts could be a real solution to bizarre, nü-internet–style headlines. The Way We Write Headlines Now is terrible and the rise of the screenshort is largely due to the fact that screenshorts give us a better way to tease and share stories.

The social web has a strange relationship with headlines. The one-size-fits-all canonical newspaper-style headline rarely exists anymore as readers increasingly get their news from feeds and streams, rather than on homepages or in print. As John Herrman wrote for BuzzFeed News in 2013:

Online, headlines are not part of stories; they exist outside of stories. Their former three-pronged role, as place-marking buoys and summaries and introductions, has been largely mooted: The place-marking is done on a front page, on Twitter, on Facebook or elsewhere; the summarization can be taken care of with a dek or dedicated intro (which is written accurately and in grammatical English, not headlinese) or a first line; and the introduction, at this point, has already been made with the remote headline.

Headlines are rarely written for the pages they live on anymore. Instead, they live remotely on aggregation sites, and social media. Rather than informing the reader, the headline is often little more than an attempt to get someone’s attention — someone who is somewhere else, away from the publication itself — and draw them back to the site. This practice has resulted in an evolving series of internet-style headlines that range from intolerable robot-speak to peculiar and colloquial overly excited-best-friend pleas to read a story.

All are attempts to hook readers moving at a healthy clip through any number of link roundups, newsletters, social streams, and push notifications. Like any good lure, some are more successful than others, and every web editor worth a page view knows what they are. That, in turn, has led headlines to become incredibly formulaic. When something starts working, others copy it. Again, and again, and again. Which leads to ultimately, an endless series of the same. goddamn. headlines.

And yet, these clicky headlines are often useless. While they may serve the click, they often do not serve the reader. Things have gotten so bad that some aggregators — most notably Techmeme — rewrite headlines to make them more informative.

Want to see just how bad things are? As an experiment, BuzzFeed News asked Digg CTO Michael Young to scan the archive of stories selected by Digg editors (stories chosen because they're not only clickable, but also good!) over the last two years for overused headline conventions.

A few notable finds:

* 5,084 stories with some variation of "How The" in the headline or subheadline.

* 385 stories featuring a "Meet The" in the headline or subheadline.

* 481 stories with some version of "Inside The" in the headline or subhead.

* There were also a few surprises, including only 28 debunking headlines that started with a "No,".

The good news is that screenshorts help to finally get us out of our headline rut.

Screenshorts are far more personal than headlines. Mobile screenshots of any kind are immediately engaging and provide a level of intimacy, offering a glimpse into someone’s most personal possession: their phone.

Seeing a snap of someone’s homescreen or a highlighted screenshort feels indescribably personal. That somebody took the time to highlight and screenshot a passage of text from their phone is a ringing endorsement of that passage; both because it a personal recommendation and because it's also a sort of cumbersome thing to do. It takes a little time to cobble together a screenshort, which implies that the passage in question is important and worth one's time.

Second, much like so many of Twitter's features (hashtags, @replies) the screenshort is an organic, user-created behavior. Jason Goldman, one of OneShot's creators and a former VP of product at Twitter and product manager at Blogger, who was recently tapped by President Obama to become the White House's first Chief Digital Officer, told BuzzFeed News that the decision to build out a screenshort product came when he and Ownbey realized that mobile screenshotting was not just a geek behavior, but something that kids and most savvy mobile humans were doing to share moments from their phones. Goldman began to see it as a way for readers to share a story while crafting their own headlines and retaining a little bit of autonomy.

"I think its a more user-centered user value way of creating content," he said. "It's saying, 'Look, I'm going give you the best part. It's not a clickbait headline; it's what I think is the most interesting part.' It's more humane, more user-respectful. You are saying, 'I want you to make an informed decision about what lies behind the click.'"

Above all though, the screenshort takes pressure off the actual headline by providing a longer preview that's not unlike the standard subheadline or dek. It's a work-around to Twitter's 140-character limit that doesn't abuse the constraint as much as enhance it. And it seems to work. First, there’s the engagement on the tweets and Facebook posts themselves, which many have noted is markedly better.

And, at least anecdotally, it seems that providing the option of saving a reader a click seems to be a good way to get them to, well, click.

“Talking to folks who’ve implemented their own screenshot tools, the fear was that you were going to cannibalize page views and give too much away for free,” Goldman told BuzzFeed News. “But those I’ve talked to are saying it seems to work as, like, a movie trailer for the content and gets people pulled in, and then they want to see the story. That's a bit unexpected.”

Take this tweet, which highlights a passage using OneShot. It is presented without any commentary or user-generated headline. Instead, the user has selected a relevant passage from a longer article that draws the reader in, letting the writer's work speak for the piece, rather than relying on user commentary, stock headlines, or a reimagined headline.

As Herrman noted, nü-internet–style headlines are just pitches and pleas and often times bastardizations of the actual article content. And they're why anyone who spends too much time online is tired of going Inside X To Meet The Man Behind X and finds that being asked to Take A Minute To Watch This Video to be reminded of Everything They Need To Know About X is growing stale.

But while the headlines we choose don't always do justice to the body of the articles, the best headlines are hidden in the story — they're just not headlines in the way we traditionally think of them.

Instead, they're miniature article teasers, personalized organic-feeling recommendations in the form of screenshot text. They say, 'Hey, we respect your time and intelligence and here's this thing we would love for you to read — totally your call but here's all the information.'

It’s early yet, but perhaps screenshorts will actually change headlines for the better. A good screenshort takes all the pressure off the headline to hook the reader, leaving the writer and editors to play with form and maybe even come up with interesting/funny/exciting/artistic headlines that people enjoy writing and reading. If nothing else, we can at least stop spending so much time agonizing over and writing them. They've been right in front of us all along.

from BuzzFeed - Latest

18 Reasons Group Projects Are True Hell

What hath God wrought?

Because one drunk asshole thinks they know better than everyone else.

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And people think this is a democracy.

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Because any time you decide to ~trust~ others, you're ultimately betrayed in the end.

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Because you'll be carrying tons of dead weight.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

What's Your Best Tip For Saving Money On Hair And Makeup?

Share your genius with the world.

Let's be real: Beauty products (and services) are a pricey addiction.

But just because they can get expensive doesn't mean you're going to stop buying them.

Getting your hair cut and colored can cost an arm and a leg.

Getting your hair cut and colored can cost an arm and a leg.

Darak77 / Via Getty Images

Your MAC habit can really start to add up.

And then there's the weekly mani-pedis.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

10 Amazing Photos Show The Eiffel Tower Rising Above Paris

This was the view as the iconic tower slowly climbed above Paris and straight into history.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Indianapolis Tourism Website Shows Solidarity With LBGT Community

“All are welcome in Indy.”

Horrified by a new Indiana state law that opponents say will enable discrimination against LGBT individuals, the city of Indianapolis is flying the rainbow flag in solidarity with the LGBT community.

The home page of the Visit Indy website was altered on Monday to feature the words "All are welcome in Indy" emblazoned over a prominent rainbow flag. The page links to a LGBT guide to the city that has been a part of the website for more than five years, officials said.

"What you're seeing is one method we are using to promote our stance on this bill," Visit Indy's Senior Communications Manager Morgan Greenlee told BuzzFeed News.

"One of our best selling points as a city is our Hoosier hospitality. It's almost a brand," she said. "Now there's a perception that not everyone is welcome here."

Greenlee said the city has already lost one major convention as a result of the law, after the AFSCME Women's union cancelled a three-day conference scheduled for October because of the law, which Union President Lee Saunders described as "un-American."

"It is an embarrassment and cannot be tolerated," Saunders said. "The 1.6 million members of AFSCME cannot in good conscience make such a sizeable financial investment in Indiana knowing that women and men in that state are deliberately being targeted for discrimination."

Greenlee said the AFSCME conference was expected to bring in more than 700 women to the Indianapolis and inject an estimated half million dollars into the city's economy.

"We're currently reaching out to other conventions to reassure them that we will be welcoming all their convention goers to the city," she said.

The opposition to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act has been widespread across many levels of the Indianapolis administration, with Mayor Greg Ballard tweeting his objections to the law on Monday.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Auctions On Your Wrist? eBay Has High Hopes For The Apple Watch

The online marketplace dates back to an e-commerce era involving dial-up modems. Its leaders hope the Apple Watch will help accelerate its transition to the new online shopping era.


How can an e-commerce company built in the desktop era get customers to buy things from their wrists? That's the challenge for RJ Pittman, eBay's head of product, who came to the auction and marketplace giant in late 2013 from Apple, where he worked on the company's e-commerce platforms.

Despite a history that dates back to dial-up modems and a business whose sales are still made primarily on desktop computers, eBay is "uniquely suited to jump into wearables," Pittman told BuzzFeed News in an interview. Because the Apple Watch will be tethered to iPhones, "several hundred million" people who have downloaded eBay's app will be Watch-enabled, "just with the app they have."

While the 46-year-old Pittman wouldn't say much about the specific functions of eBay's watch app, he did say that he hoped efforts to get on users' wrists would take the entire company further down the line of "ephemeral" and "frictionless" commerce. "We're thinking about breaking the barrier of websites, even apps and downloads, and transact commerce at the speed of thought."

A specific example Pittman gave of what his team of five to seven people are working on is notifications: When you are outbid on an eBay auction, "you might get a little vibration on your wrist and have an outbid notice," he said. "You don't have to do anything to look at it and turn it away, or you can tap to bid it up and in one tap you're in the game. It's a new level of frictionless engagement."

Pittman did say that when eBay's app for the Apple Watch is released ("it's coming this spring, call it a few weeks or so, right on the heels of the launch of the Watch"), the vibrating notifications "will be part of the experience."

RJ Pittman.


But, for now at least, the vast majority of eBay's activity will be on screens considerably larger than even the 42 millimeters the largest Apple Watch provides. Of the $83 billion transacted through eBay's marketplace in 2014, $28 billion (34%) came through mobile devices, up from over $20 billion in 2013.

The Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba had 42% of its gross merchandise volume in China come from mobile in the last three months of this year — about 327 billion yuan (about $53 billion) worth, more than triple that of a year ago.

While eBay's scale is still massive — its $83 billion in general merchandise volume (all sales done on the marketplace, of which eBay takes a cut) in 2014 is comparable to Amazon's $74 billion in sales — its growth has slowed. eBay's chief financial officer Bob Swan said on a call with reporters to discuss the company's financial results that 2014 was a "year we're glad to have behind us," while its revenue from transactions on its marketplace grew only 1% in the fourth quarter of 2014, and 9% for the full year.

Sales at Amazon, by comparison, rose 20% in 2014, while at Etsy — a much smaller, much trendier entrant into the online marketplace business — sales rose 46% to $1.9 billion. And both competitors seem to have the wind at their backs, with Etsy approaching an IPO and Amazon on Tuesday announcing a new system that lets customers place orders by pressing buttons stuck on the walls of their kitchen pantries or laundry rooms.

Wearable computers like the Apple Watch will add to pressure on eBay to adapt to changing consumer habits, but Pittman also sees it as an opportunity to rethink the basics of the business. "What I love about this is that the 42mm screen real estate is a design constraint, it's driving something that I'm trying to do at eBay: simplify commerce," he said. "The watch forces you to your bare essentials, you don't get to build a web site or app in 42 millimeters. We get right down to the most important, most useful capabilities and put them in in a way that's only for one finger to tap."

There is, however, an intuitively designed and habit-forming mobile commerce product already under the eBay roof: Venmo, which eBay CEO John Donahoe recently said is "on fire." But Venmo is part of PayPal, which will soon be spun off from eBay into a new stand-alone company.

eBay overhauled its desktop design in late 2012, introducing more and bigger images — like Pinterest — along with enhanced personalization features, including curated collections that rotate daily. "What you'll see is a much deeper focus on design," eBay Marketplaces President David Wenig told AllThingsD after Pittman was hired. "We're placing a lot of emphasis on the user experiences, and so this feels like a natural evolution."

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Here Are The Celebrities, Businesses, And Governments Boycotting Indiana And Protesting Its Religious Freedom Law

The bill, passed March 26, could allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT people. Amid the national backlash, Governor Mike Pence said the bill needs a “fix.”

Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images

Celebrities, companies and local and state governments have taken a stand against Indiana's religious freedom law.

Critics of Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act call the law discriminatory, allowing businesses to refuse service to LGBT people.

Some governments have banned the use of taxpayer money to fund city employees' travel to Indiana while some celebrities have canceled upcoming appearances in the state.




Spencer Platt / Getty Images

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

17 Stunning Wedding Venues In The Philippines

Weddings: More fun in the Philippines.

Isabelle Laureta / Via BuzzFeed

mangoRED Photography Corp. /

mangoRED Photography Corp. /

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Selena Fans Are Wearing Red To Commemorate The Singer's Life


Tuesday marks the 20th anniversary of singer Selena Quintanilla-Pérez's death.

Tuesday marks the 20th anniversary of singer Selena Quintanilla-Pérez's death.

But though she's gone, she's not even close to being forgotten.

After all, no one rocked red lipstick quite like Selena!

After all, no one rocked red lipstick quite like Selena!

Whether you pair your red with awesomely bold brows...

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

22 Quotes That Will Make You Fall In Love With Ewan McGregor

Possibly the greatest guy in Hollywood.

Ewan McGregor is that perfect mix of cool, funny, and hot. He's just a really chill guy.

Ewan McGregor is that perfect mix of cool, funny, and hot. He's just a really chill guy.

DreamWorks /

So, to celebrate his 44th birthday here are 22 quotes that will convince those of you who need a little push that Ewan is the greatest guy around.

So, to celebrate his 44th birthday here are 22 quotes that will convince those of you who need a little push that Ewan is the greatest guy around.

Fox 2000 Pictures /

"I've never found acting that difficult. If you ask me, it's all rather easy if you keep it simple. But as soon as you lose that original drive, it's not fun...The fear of being crap is always what makes you good, I think." - Interview Magazine

Jason Merritt / Getty Images

"I think if you can encourage people to do something, if it is to go out and explore the world and see parts of the world that you might not otherwise see, and appreciate that people’s lives are very different from ours here in Europe and in America, then I think that is a good thing to do. "

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

These Trans People Are Taking Selfies To Celebrate Transgender Day Of Visibility

On the sixth annual celebration of trans visibility, BuzzFeed News asked some young trans people to explain why it’s so important to them.

"I went on Facebook and I was thinking...whenever I hear about our community, it seems to be from Remembrance Day [intended to remember the trans victims of hate crimes] which is always so negative because it's about people who were killed," she explained in 2009. "So one night I couldn't sleep and I decided why don't I try to do something about that. I thought, why doesn't someone do it? Then I thought, why isn't that someone me?"

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

16 Babies In Cosplay Costumes To Brighten Up Your Day

Warning: So adorable, you may want to squeeze your monitor.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro

Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro

There's a tutorial so you can make one too!

You and Mie / Via

Teemo from League of Legends.

Teemo, from the League of Legends game, is known for his pint size and warm personality. Also being super cute, obvs.

Moogle & Lulu from Final Fantasy.

Moogles are one of the most distinguishable (and adorable) races in the Final Fantasy videogame series.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Here's What Most People Think Of Their BFFs

According to a BuzzFeed poll on friendship habits.

Last week, we put out a poll asking you to tell us about your very best friend(s).

Last week, we put out a poll asking you to tell us about your very best friend(s).


We wanted to know — can you have more than one BFF, can an S.O. also be a BFF, are BFFs really FOREVER? Here are your answers...

A little over half of you thought it's OK to call someone a BFF as soon as you feel it.

A little over half of you thought it's OK to call someone a BFF as soon as you feel it.

When it comes to one ultimate BFF vs. multiple...

When it comes to one ultimate BFF vs. multiple...

Meanwhile, 19% of you thought the opposite — that only ONE person could be a best friend. 9% of you didn't have an answer.


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from BuzzFeed - Latest

I Was At The Roast Of Justin Bieber, And This Is What It Was Like

Long story really short: It was fun!

First of all, the roast was huge. Look how blurry the stage is from my seat — that's because the place was so big and I was far back.

First of all, the roast was huge. Look how blurry the stage is from my seat — that's because the place was so big and I was far back.

When I arrived at my table there were bottles of wine, apparently from a vineyard called Roast of Justin Bieber. I'm assuming it's somewhere in Napa Valley.

When I arrived at my table there were bottles of wine, apparently from a vineyard called Roast of Justin Bieber. I'm assuming it's somewhere in Napa Valley.

There were also snacks on the table including this deviled egg. (Get it? 'Cause he once egged a house and also might be related to the devil?)

There were also snacks on the table including this deviled egg. (Get it? 'Cause he once egged a house and also might be related to the devil?)

JK about that devil thing.

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

13 Emotions Everyone Experiences In Sephora

I spent how much now?

There are literally walls of lipstick. SO MUCH LIPSTICK. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.

There are literally walls of lipstick. SO MUCH LIPSTICK. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.

Giphy / Via

Other people may not be so excited.

Even just friends -- the terror and resignation in their eyes... it's delicious.

Even just friends -- the terror and resignation in their eyes... it's delicious.

Giphy / Via

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

What's Your Favorite Emma Watson Quote?

“What gets scary is when your self-worth is tied up in what strangers think of you.”

Emma Watson is one of the best people in the whole world, hands down.

Emma Watson is one of the best people in the whole world, hands down.

Summit Entertainment / Via

Not only is she an amazing actress, but she's also an expert in knowing just what to say.

Not only is she an amazing actress, but she's also an expert in knowing just what to say.

Warner Bros. Pictures / Via

Emma never fails to show us her humorous side in movies like Harry Potter.

Emma never fails to show us her humorous side in movies like Harry Potter.

Warner Bros. Pictures / Via

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Believe In Love

From one photographer who walks around New York City and takes pictures of tiny, beautiful moments of love.

Julia Xanthos, a 36-year-old Brooklynite, has been a photographer at the NY Daily News for 10 years.

And in addition to her work for the paper, Xanthos also takes pictures of happier scenes around New York City for her personal Instagram account.

"As a news photographer you aren't always seeing the beautiful parts of the city. You see a lot of sadness and grit," Xanthos told BuzzFeed.

"Facing your camera at people when all they want to do is look away."

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

15 Films Turning 15 In Summer 2015

Yes, we’re all very old now.



Released: May 5, 2000

Fun fact: Mel Gibson was apparently the original choice to play Maximus (Russell Crowe), but he passed on the part. At 43, Gibson didn't know if he could take on such a physically demanding role.

Where to watch: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes

DreamWorks Pictures / Via

Center Stage

Center Stage

Released: May 12, 2000

Fun fact: Maureen is supposed to be the American Ballet Academy's prima ballerina, but she doesn't do much dancing on screen. That's because actress Susan May Pratt was the only cast member without any formal dance training.

Where to watch: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes

Columbia Pictures / Via

Road Trip

Road Trip

Released: May 19, 2000

Fun fact: Director Todd Phillips makes a cameo as the "foot lover on the bus." Phillips would, of course, go on to direct Old School and The Hangover films.

Where to watch: Amazon, iTunes

DreamWorks Pictures / Via

Big Momma's House

Big Momma's House

Released: June 2, 2000

Fun fact: Big Momma's House is one of only four movies to be released on Enhanced Versatile Disc, or EVD, a short-lived Chinese rival to the DVD.

Where to watch: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes

20th Century Fox / Via

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

The Barenaked Ladies Song "One Week" Holds A Dark, Terrifying Secret

It’s been one week since your homicide. Cocked your head to the side as you died.

Remember the song "One Week"? The mostly harmless and catchy Barenaked Ladies song from 1998?

It's been one week since you looked at me

Cocked your head to the side and said "I'm angry"

Five days since you laughed at me saying

"Get that together, come back and see me"

Nothing too crazy yet...the opening lines tell the story of a couple fighting. They split up, and the girlfriend tells the boyfriend to only come back once he gets his life in order.

Andrea Hickey / BuzzFeed

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from BuzzFeed - Latest

Madame Tussauds Now Has A "Tissue Attendant" For Their One Direction Sculptures

Cry over Zayn as much as you want, someone will be there to mop up your tears.

Ever since One Direction's Zayn Malik departed from the group, the teen world has been in awash with tears.


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17 Times Tumblr Was As Hardcore A "Friends" Fans As You Are

Could they be any more into that show?

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This Dog Just Sent The Cutest Apology To A High School Librarian

Ms. Mabel is a Basset Hound just full of regret.

But as you can see, she was very sorry:

But as you can see, she was very sorry:

"Ms. Schmitt ~ My mom hid this from me, but I can smell a Pulitzer Prize winner from a mile away. Frankly, I found the ending to be quite disappointing (as you can see). I did all future readers a favor. My mom says it's coming out of my allowance. (I was saving for a new collar).

I'm sorry,

Ms. Mabel" /

Don't fret, Ms. Mabel! No one can stay mad at such a cute dog for long.

Don't fret, Ms. Mabel! No one can stay mad at such a cute dog for long.

from BuzzFeed - Latest

15 Tips For Acing Your Next Gyno Exam, From Someone Who Teaches Doctors How To Do Them

You don’t need a white coat to be the boss of your own vagina.

Keith Brofsky / Getty Images

So, you’re going to the gynecologist!

So, you’re going to the gynecologist!

And, if you're like most people, you’re probably not looking forward to it. You might even be freaking out a little. Or a lot! But remember: This is your exam, and you get to feel good about it. And I'm going to give you some tips for how to do that.

I'm a gynecological teaching associate (GTA), which means I use my own body to teach nursing, medical, and physician assistant students to perform safe, comfortable, and empowering gynecological exams. In each session I teach a few students how to do the techniques, what they're looking for, and how to communicate sensitively with their patients. I'm not a doctor or nurse, but I'm highly trained in these exams and probably the only patient these students will ever have who can say, "That wasn't my ovary, but here's what you can do to find it."

What I do as a GTA is all about laypeople taking control of their own bodies and health, and you definitely don't have to be willing to take your pants off at work to start doing that. Here are some ways you can take charge of your own healthcare and feel more comfortable at your next gynecological exam — and who knows, maybe your doctor will even learn something!

Use a mirror to follow along and learn what’s normal for you.

Use a mirror to follow along and learn what’s normal for you.

Some providers automatically offer a mirror, but if yours doesn't you can bring your own. Many people find this makes them feel safer and more in control. It means no surprises, and it definitely helps cut down on that startled jerk when your provider makes contact with your vulva and you weren't expecting it. Vulvas come in a wide range, and healthy and normal look different for everyone. This is a great way to find out what they mean for you.

MTV / Via

Doing pelvic muscle exercises beforehand can help make the exam more comfortable.

Doing pelvic muscle exercises beforehand can help make the exam more comfortable.

The most effective ways to prepare your muscles down under for this exam are Kegel maneuvers (squeeze and pull up and in like you're stopping the flow of urine) and Valsalva maneuvers (bear down like you're making a bowel movement).

Kegels tone the muscles of your pelvic floor, which your provider will be checking, to better support your internal organs and increase sexual pleasure. Any time you contract muscles you also want to extend them, so make sure you add some deep squats to your routine to keep your pelvis balanced (think going to the bathroom outside). Valsalvas are very useful during the exam: Any time you feel tense, or your provider is about to place something in your vagina, bear down. It softens all your muscles and opens the entrance to your vagina, which will make things much more comfortable for you.

E! / Via

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39 Reasons Why Italy Is Actually The Worst

Please never go there!

If people tell you Italy is beautiful, do NOT believe them.

If people tell you Italy is beautiful, do NOT believe them.

Lake Como (Lombardia).

Eurotravel / Getty Images

Italy is just the worst.

Italy is just the worst.

Lecce (Puglia)

Getty Images via Thinkstock



Matera (Basilicata)

Bobbushphoto / Getty Images

It is absolutely vile.

It is absolutely vile.

Vieste (Puglia)

Poike / Getty Images

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16 Awesome New Books To Read This Spring

Spring into reading a new book. Jarry Lee / BuzzFeed God Help the Child by Toni Morrison Knopf Toni Morrison Patrick Kovarik / Getty I...